Monday 9 April 2012

The Mystery Continues

Some months ago a photograph of two young men canoeing on the river created  a lot of speculation as to where it was taken.  The most popular answer was that the spot was around the River Walk area. I have now found another photograph taken in the same place, so it can be assumed it was taken from a landing station or boat yard as the photographer is standing in the same spot.  Any more ideas?

1 comment:

  1. handyplasterer9 April 2012 at 09:52

    I still think this is the tributary between the swimming pool and the path leading from New Wharf Rd into the Sports Ground, there was a Cafe there.
    In the background is the small bridge that crossed over to the Castle Walk at the base of the Mount, I think this was the one we had to tip toe over as our stiletto's caught in the gaps between the planks.
    I remember you could hire boats from the bank by the Cafe, they were cheaper than the Boat House by the bridge at the New Wharf Rd and River Walk junction. Maybe this was the case 20yrs earlier too.
    They were also available from the Big Bridge, which I think they still are in the summer (I rarely go into town so this may not be the case now!)
    Obviously memories dim with the passing years, but this is how I 'see' it today.
