Monday 12 November 2012

Tonbridge Tweet Their Top Town Features

The Medway - Tonbridge

Recently the Tonbridge Twitterati listed their top five positive town features. It was pretty interesting what came up, but the river was without a doubt the top favourite feature for our townsfolk, and the castle came in as a close second. The excellent schools, Haysden Park and the friendly people were also high on the list.

Here are a few of the tweets:-

all the green in the centre, people who let you out of junctions, river, open spaces, castle 

4. My favourite band went to Tonbridge School 5. Always looks Christmassy at Christmas! 

Castle, river, farmers market, the fields that Fairlawne still let us walk across & great new friends! 

river, castle, sportsground, country park, excellent transport links, good schools 

River, Haysden Park, friendly non-stuck up people, excellent schools, farmers' market 

and finally the cheeky CB's driving school took the opportunity to list themselves, so here's another mention:-

It is a great place to learn to drive - crossings, roundabouts, dual carriageway, ME! It has it all!

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