Wednesday 14 November 2012

Tonbridge Then and Now

Boat Hire at Big Bridge - Bartrams Brewery on the left - Early 1900's

Boat Hire at Big Bridge November 2012


  1. Any idea what the chimney is roughly where the swimming pool is now?

    1. It's on the site of the water works. I'll see if I can find out.

  2. Looks like that tree is trying to grow back!

  3. I love before and after photo's!
    If that is the War Memorial in the distance in the old photo. it appears to have originally been nearer to the wall.

  4. The Boer War Memorial was unveiled in June 1904 so what you are seeing in the distance on River Walk may not be this. If you look carefully the horse wash by the hire boats is still there. I'm going to try to do a few more 'Then and Now' photos as I too find them fascinating.

  5. The memorial was removed during WW2 and returned after it had finised - not sure of the date though.
